I have to take a break from blogging for a couple of weeks, so that I can run a yard sale. But I'm going to review something I got in the mail today (Saturday).
Procter & Gamble sent me a Febreze vent clip through their Be the First to know program. The first thing I noticed was the packaging...It's pretty and blue and contains the product in a standard, clear clam-shell bubble.
But wait! It isn't standard at all - as I turn it over and reach for the heavy-duty garden shears to open it...I see that it's actually PERFORATED!!! I was able to open the package without destroying the product inside.
I don't like overpowering scents, especially in the car, where there is simply no escape from a strong aroma. The product I received is called linen & sky...doesn't that sound nice? As it turns out, it is. There is a scratch and sniff panel on the front of the package, which gives you a very good idea of the actual scent.
I think the name of the scent is extremely fitting. I was sniffing it over and over again to try and describe it to you, and all I could come up with is " a cool windless early summer day...SERIOUSLY! Now how in the heck did they bottle what really isn't a smell at all?
The physical make-up of the vent clip itself is very pleasing. It's low profile - just a smallish cube (about the size of a spice container lid) with a clear window so you can see the liquid - and even that's pretty. When you are ready to install it just follow the simple instructions...flip the clip up 90 degrees until it snaps in place, slide the clip onto one of you car's vent louvers, and adjust the level of scent release.
So far, I love this air freshener!
I would love to be involved in the Be the First to Know program. How did you get involved? Btw, I am working on your blogvertize question. ;)